Friday, September 30, 2011

Green Scholars Initiative


I saw a great bald eagle last Sunday afternoon.  Saw might not be the right word,  I experienced an eagle last Sunday.  We were driving back from the country, when suddenly it swooped down, filling all the view--it's wing span was the width of the two lane road. His snow white head and tail, unmistakable. He dipped his wings, zooming in on the possum on the side of the road.  Majestic...awe-struck I saw his glory, felt his power.  As he mounted back up, the sky seemed empty.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Pinkdaisy Life: C'mon knock on her door...

A Pinkdaisy Life: C'mon knock on her door...: I have the privilege of guest posting at my friend Samantha Reed's blog today. Fields of Gold is a warm, inviting place where we are encou...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

In the kitchen....

The pot bubbles on the stove with summer.
Red, with a hint of orange.
Tomatoes everywhere; tomatoes covering the kitchen table, ripe and ready for preserving; in jars-canned just last week: jars of tomatoes, jars of Italian sauce, jars of salsa; in the pot simmering to be placed in freezer bags, saved for cold winter days.

These last days of summer are spent preparing. Scripture flits through my mind, and I have a melody to a tune of praise that is flowing through my spirit:

"Open ye the floodgates that the King of Glory might come in.
Who is this King of Glory?
The LORD of Hosts,
He is the King of Glory!"

The principles of the 12 Steps

Principles of the 12 Steps:

1. Surrender. (Capitulation to hopelessness.)

2. Hope. (Step 2 is the mirror image or opposite of step 1. In step 1 we admit that alcohol is our higher power, and that our lives are unmanageable. In step 2, we find a different Higher Power who we hope will bring about a return to sanity in management of our lives.)

3. Commitment. (The key word in step 3 is decision.)

4. Honesty. (An inventory of self.)

5. Truth. (Candid confession to God and another human being.)

6. Willingness. (Choosing to abandon defects of character.)

7. Humility. (Standing naked before God, with nothing to hide, and asking that our flawsin His eyesbe removed.)

8. Reflection. (Who have we harmed? Are we ready to amend?)

9. Amendment. (Making direct amends/restitution/correction, etc..)

10. Vigilance. (Exercising self-discovery, honesty, abandonment, humility, reflection and amendment on a momentary, daily, and periodic basis.)

11. Attunement. (Becoming as one with our Father.)

12. Service. (Awakening into sober usefulness.)

taken from Peace thru Sobriety Facebook post on 8/27/2011