Saturday, January 10, 2015

My Redeemer

LET THE REDEEMED OF THE LORD SAY SO wonderful, glorias, awesome, allmighty, beautiful, gentle, joyful, friendly, good, peaceful, patient,  graceful, loving, fearless, holy, faithful and worthy God we serve. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Declarations and Decrees for 2015

 I am looking and believing in 2015 for the restoration of things lost and stolen--money, jewelry--relationships restored better than they have ever been, restored to God'sSong original design; justice and divine vindication in some areas of my life is coming to pass in 2015. I am seeking, watching, and waiting for suddenlies that involve God's supernatural manifestation of debt cancellation and positioning for favorable opportunities to minister corporately, bring deep healing in corporate settings to the true Church and Body of Christ. . I am expecting miraculous wealth to be gifted to me as promised. My health and strength and youth (vitality and vigor) will be renewed in 2015 as I rest in waiting on The Lord in this coming year. In 2015 I choose to actively participate in those live works initiated by the Holy Spirit and completed by Him that are part of my true identity and victorious destiny as a Son (daughter) of the Most High! I actively stir up the gifts and callings within me, especially as they have divine power to bring forth the Life of God in those around me! I rest in true sabbath and I receive and grasp the true shalom that is my birthright as an heir of the promises of God that will manifest in 2015 in my life. I seek HIS face and my eye is single in that I see what the Father is doing and I wholeheartedly participate in what HE is doing in the earth. I say and come into agreement with what I hear HIM saying and I break every agreement that was made in ignorance or in agreement with the lies of the enemy of my soul. I receive and choose to walk in resurrection life in 2015. The Kingdom of God is advanced through my active agreement with, obedience in and abiding in Him in quiet and confidence. In 2015 I receive and live in the fullness of joy that Jesus prayed I would have--His joy and fullness of Joy. Complete Joy. This joy will be so evident in my life in 2015 that many will be added to the kingdom! Joy is the atmospheric shift that denotes the Presence of the King of Kings in My Life; I rule and reign in life by cooperating with the Joy of heaven intersecting  and invading earth. This is my prayer and this is my choice for 2015 and I activate these things in union with the Holy Spirit in 2015 by Faith in the One who loved me and translated me into His Kingdom. I refuse to react to people and circumstance but choose instead to respond to God in every situation that God provides as opportunity to bring Him Glory and for my joy! I make myself available for seminars, prophetic conferences, teaching, training and equipping the body of Christ including many who have left institutional churches and renouncing religious mind sets. This year I will release prophetic words and prophecies as the Holy Spirit speaks when and where and to whom He sends me. I will see the gifts of miracles,  of healings, of words of wisdom and of words of knowledge released under the unction of the Holy Spirit. In 2015, I place myself at the LORD's disposal out of complete LOVE for HIM because of His love for me and HIS desire to minister to the Body and out of my desire to minister to Him in complete devotion, love and reverence for HIS majesty. This is my declaration and my decree; Let it be unto me according to His WORD!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


January 3

Our greatest need

“We eventually redefine our beliefs and understanding to the point where we see that our greatest need is for knowledge of God’s will for us and the strength to carry that out.”

Basic Text, p. 48


When we first arrived in NA, we had all kinds of ideas of what we needed.  Some of us set our sights on amassing personal possessions.  We thought recovery equaled outward success.  But recovery does not equal success.  Today, we believe that our greatest need is for spiritual guidance and strength.

The greatest damage done to us by our addiction was the damage done to our spirituality.  Our primary motivation was dictated by our disease: to get, to use, and to find ways and means to get more.  Enslaved by our overwhelming need for drugs, our lives lacked purpose and connection.  We were spiritually bankrupt.

Sooner or later, we realize that our greatest need in recovery is “for knowledge of God’s will for us and the strength to carry that out.”  There, we find the direction and sense of purpose our addiction had hidden from us.  In our God’s will we find freedom from self-will.  No longer driven only by our own needs, we are free to live with others on an equal footing.

There’s nothing wrong with outward success.  But without the spiritual connection offered by the NA program, our greatest need in recovery goes unmet, regardless of how “successful” we may be.


Just for today:  I will seek the fulfillment of my greatest need: a vital, guiding connection with the God of my understanding.

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