Friday, April 26, 2013

You are God's Treasure

Are you comfortable in your own skin? In other words, do you recognize yourself as the treasure God made you, or are you constantly looking for approval and comparing yourself to a neighbor, co-worker or friend? Do you try to out-dress them or out-perform them? Are you always looking for ways to one-up others?
Friend, it’s time to let all of that go. Comparison is a distraction. Comparison is a thief. It steals your time, energy, focus and joy. You aren’t here to impress anybody; you don’t have to prove anything because you are God’s special workmanship. He created you with a purpose for a purpose. You are empowered and equipped to do everything He’s called you to do.
If you will choose to stay free from a spirit of competition and just run your own race in life, not only will you enjoy your life more, but you’ll see your gifts and talents come out to the full. You’ll see His blessing and favor in a greater way, and you’ll move forward into the life of victory He has in store!
Spiritualinspiration on Tumblr

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Practicing Peace

7 Ways to Practice Peace
 By Joyce Meyer

I believe that one of the keys to maintaining peace in your life is to take small steps toward peace every day. Here are a few tips for having a more peaceful lifestyle.

1. Be selective with how you spend your time. You may be trying to do too many things and end up doing none of them well. Hurrying is trying to do more than the Holy Spirit is leading you to do. Be led by the Spirit.

2. Be prepared to say, “no” nicely. Sometimes we take on things we know we shouldn’t, just because we’re uncomfortable saying no. If you feel this pressure, ask God to put your spirit at rest and give you loving words to speak that will take away the unnecessary awkwardness of saying no.

3. Resist the spirit of procrastination. It’s the attitude that says I’m going to sit here and wait until I feel like doing what I need to do. But God’s Word tells us to exercise self-discipline. Do what you need to do now so you can fully enjoy your times of rest.

4. Eliminate key distractions. If you know you are easily distracted, set some guidelines for yourself. Don’t let them keep you up late at night so you oversleep the next morning and end up setting yourself up for a hurried, stressful day.

5. Set appropriate boundaries for interruptions. Life is full of interruptions, but we can learn to set boundaries that help us manage them in healthy ways. Schedule times when you are “off-limits.” Let your calls go to voicemail, turn off your email, and decide to get back to people after your “off-limits” time is over. Trust the Holy Spirit to tell you when there is a true emergency.

6. Modify your life. Ask God to show you “out-of-the-box” ways to save time and trouble. For instance, when I don’t have time to do the dishes, I use paper plates. And if I’m having a birthday party for one of my kids and don’t have time to make a meal, we just have cake and ice cream.

7. Listen for the Holy Spirit. If you can see that your plan is not producing peace, go back to God; pray for peace and for wisdom to make changes that will benefit your life.

If you can learn to trust God “in the now,” receive His grace as you need it, and you can become a truly peaceful person. Now that’s powerful!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


From spiritual inspiration on Tumblr

13 Reasons to Pray 

1. Prayer opens the door to the secrets of God. Jeremiah 33:3, 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 

2. Prayer puts our lives at peace with God and sets a place for us in eternity. Romans 10:9-10 

3. Prayer changes our destiny and restores our nations. 2 Chronicles 7:14 

4. Prayer helps us to find (and keeps us in) the will of God. Colossians 4:12 

5. Prayer gives us boldness. Acts 4:31

6. Prayer and fasting gives you supernatural power over demonic forces. Matthew 17:21

7. Prayer protects our families, blesses men and keeps worldly and godly authorities in order. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

8. Prayer keeps us from temptations. Matthew 6:13, 26:41 

9. Prayer is our path to perfect peace and our substitute for anxiety. Philippians 4:6-7, Isaiah 26:3 

10. Prayer is God’s will. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

11. Prayer makes good what we eat! 1 Timothy 4:5 

12. Prayer heals our physical bodies. James 5:15 

13.Prayer gives us strength and wisdom to handle our enemies. Psalm 109:3-4 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Infinite love deserves infinite gratitude

Repeat to yourself, the holiest of all mantras: thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This, right here… Infinite love.

How to Forgive

How to Forgive
by Joyce Meyer
Would you like to become more successful at forgiving others? There are practical steps that must be taken. One time I asked the Lord why so many people want to forgive but aren’t successful doing it. And He said, “Because they aren’t obeying what I tell them to do in My Word.” As I searched the Word, I found the following instructions:
1. Decide – You will never forgive if you wait until you feel like it. Choose to obey God and steadfastly resist the devil in his attempts to poison you with bitter thoughts. Make a quality decision to forgive, and God will heal your wounded emotions in due time (see Matthew 6:12-14).
2. Depend – You cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s too hard to do on your own. If you are truly willing, God will enable you, but you must humble yourself and cry out to Him for help. In John 20:22-23 Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!” His next instruction was about forgiving people. Ask God to breathe the Holy Spirit on you so you can forgive those who’ve hurt you.
3. Obey – The Word tells us several things we’re to do concerning forgiving our enemies:
a. Pray for your enemies and those who abuse and misuse you. Pray for their happiness and welfare (see Luke 6:27-28). As you pray, God can give them revelation that will bring them out of deception. They may not even be aware they hurt you, or maybe they’re aware but are so self-centered that they don’t care. Either way, they need revelation.
b. …Bless and do not curse them (Romans 12:14). In the Greek to bless means “to speak well of” and to curse means “to speak evil of.” You can’t walk in forgiveness and be a gossip. You must stop repeating the offense. You can’t get over it if you continue to talk about it. Proverbs 17:9 says that he who covers an offense seeks love.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Nothing is wasted

From spiritualinspiration on Tumblr:
After everyone was full, Jesus told his disciples, “Now gather the leftovers, so that nothing is wasted” (John 6:12).

The Bible tells of a time when Jesus fed a crowd of five thousand with only five loaves. That day, everyone had more than enough to eat and there were still twelve baskets full of bread. That’s because we serve a God of abundance! I love that Jesus told the disciples to collect all the leftovers “so that nothing is wasted.” With God, nothing is ever wasted. He’ll never waste an experience; He’ll never waste a hurt; He’ll never waste a dream; He’ll never waste even a single piece of bread.
God is still in the miracle-working business. He is still our Creator and He is a Restorer. If you’ve felt like you’ve wasted years of your life in the wrong job, hanging around the wrong people, doing the wrong things, God will gather those years and restore them back to you. He’ll take those experiences that the enemy meant for your harm, and He’ll turn them around for your good. He’ll make you stronger, wiser, and better off than you were before. He can launch you further into your destiny than before. Be encouraged today because with God all things are possible and nothing is ever wasted!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I give You every bit of my life, my past, my present, and my future. Thank you for taking every experience in my life and turning it around for my good. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Turn it over to God

Are you struggling with trying to make a dream come to pass? Are you frustrated in a relationship, trying to make someone else change or live right? You may mean well, you may have good goals, but if you are trying to orchestrate things to happen your way, on your timetable, you are only going to frustrate yourself. At some point, you have to turn those circumstances over to God and trust that He has your best interest at heart.
How do you turn things over to God? Start by making the choice and declaring your resolve. Simply say, “Father, I choose to let You be God of this situation. I take my hands off. I trust You.” Then, choose to worship Him. Worship is one of the best ways to set your heart and mind in the right place. You can’t worry and worship at the same time! Worship is a sign that you are trusting God; worry is a sign that you are trying to control things.
Today, take the pressure off yourself and turn things over to God. Give Him control and let Him take your setbacks and turn them into comebacks. Remember, the God who holds the universe holds you in the palm of His hand. Trust Him and let God be God in every area of your life!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Don't waver

“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind” (James 1:6, NIV)
Are you believing that God will do something specific in your life today? Oftentimes, when we are standing in faith, the storms of life will blow. Things will come against us that try to knock our faith down. But, I to encourage you to stand strong in your faith and in your thinking so that you can be effective and see your dreams and desires come to pass.
Scripture tells us that if we go back and forth on what we believe, we are unstable and ineffective. Instead, we have to be fully persuaded that the Word of God is true no matter what we see. The way you stand firm in your faith is by staying focused on God instead of your circumstances. Sing praises to Him throughout the day and guard the words that come out of your mouth. When you stand firm in your faith, you have peace. You have a supernatural rest because you know God is in complete control. You trust Him completely. Today, stand firm in your faith, watch your words, and know that He is leading you into victory in every area of your life!

In the hard times...

For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)

In Psalms, David said, “I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” At all times means in the good times as well as the tough times. The Bible tells us to stay full of joy no matter what we are facing.
The joy of the Lord is our source of strength and the enemy knows it. He knows that if he can get you down and discouraged, before long, you’ll be weak and feeble and he will be able to easily defeat you.
When you are full of joy and have a good attitude, you keep yourself strong. That positive attitude of faith paves the way for God to work miracles in your life —- it paves the way for God to turn your situation around!
Decide today to have a good attitude. Keep yourself full of His joy by meditating on the goodness and promises of God. Be full of the joy of the Lord! You’ll soon experience supernatural strength and discover the victorious life God has planned for you!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Answer the door to Joy

Today, make up your mind to answer the door to joy! Get up every morning and say, “Father, thank You for another beautiful day. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to enjoy this day because You are faithful. I’m going to brighten someone else’s life. I am choosing to receive Your gift of joy and passing it on to others because I love You, and I know that I am called for Your purposes!”

From spiritualinspiration

Don't you dare give up

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised)” (Hebrews 10:23, KJV)
“Hold fast” is not a phrase we often use in this culture. But in the original Greek, hold fast means not only to embrace, but to embrace with force as if someone is trying to take something from you. In other words, you’ve got to have a firm grip or you’re going to lose out! And notice what we are supposed to hold fast to—our profession, our declaration of faith.
I like to think of it sort of like a tug of war. You’re on one end and the enemy is on the other. He’s trying to pull that rope out of your hand. He’s trying to steal your hope and get you to speak negative words of doubt and unbelief. But you’ve got to be determined and stand strong. You’ve got to persevere and hold fast. Don’t let the enemy pull the seed of faith out of your heart! You might need to dig your heals in and get a new grip, but don’t you dare let go! Keep speaking words of faith. Keep speaking words of hope. Keep declaring God’s Word and keep holding fast to the profession of your faith!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beautiful, breathtaking, real leadership... Thank you Ann

Dear Church,

Cancer can be deadly and so can depression.

So can the dark and the shame and the crush of a thousand skeletons, a thousand millstones, a thousand internal infernos.

We could tell you what we know.

That — depression is like a room engulfed in flames and you can’t breathe for the sooty smoke smothering you limp — and suicide is deciding there is no way but to jump straight out of the burning building.

That when the unseen scorch on the inside finally sears intolerably hot – you think a desperate lunge from the flames and the land of the living seems the lesser of two unbearables.

That’s what you’re thinking — that if you’d do yourself in, you’d be doing everyone a favor.

I had planned mine for a Friday.

That come that Friday the flames would be licking right up the the strain of my throat. You don’t try to kill yourself because death’s appealing — but because life’s agonizing. We don’t want to die. But we can’t stand to be devoured.

So I made this plan. And I wrote this note.

And I remember the wild agony of no way out and how the stars looked, endless and forever, and your mind can feel like it’s burning up at all the edges and there’s never going to be any way to stop the flame. Don’t bother telling us not to jump unless you’ve felt the heat, unless you bear the scars of the singe.

Don’t only turn up the praise songs but turn to Lamentations and Job and be a place of lament and tenderly unveil the God who does just that — who wears the scars of the singe. A God who bares His scars and reaches through the fire to grab us, “Come — Escape into Me.”

Nobody had told me that –

that one of the ways to get strong again is to set the words free.

You know — The Word that bends close and breathes warming love into the universe…. and the words mangled around swollen secrets and strangling dark — just let the Word, the words, all free in you.

My Dad, he had told me that if I told, it’d slit us all.

So much for believing the Truth will set you free. So much weight for a wide-eyed nine-year-old.

So I locked lips and heart hard so no one knew about the locked wards and the psychiatric doctors and why my mama was gone and it’s crazy how the stigma around mental health can drive you right insane.

There are some who take communion and anti-depressants and there are those who think both are a crutch.

Come in close — I’d rather walk tall with a crutch than crawl around insisting like a proud and bloody fool that I didn’t need one.

I once heard a pastor tell the whole congregation that he had lived next to the loonie bin and I looked at the floor when everyone laughed and they didn’t know how I loved my mama. I looked to the floor when they laughed, when I wanted them to stand up and reach through the pain of the flames and say:

Our Bible says Jesus said, “It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick.” Jesus came for the sick, not for the smug. Jesus came as doctor and He makes miracles happen through medicine and when the church isn’t for the suffering, then the Church isn’t for Christ.

I wanted them to say it all together, like one Body, for us to say it all together to each other because there’s not one of us who hasn’t lost something, who doesn’t fear something, who doesn’t ache with something. I wanted us to turn to the hurting, to each other, and promise it till we’re hoarse:

We won’t give you some cliche – but something to cling to — and that will mean our hands.

We won’t give you some platitudes — but someplace for your pain — and that will mean our time.

We won’t give you some excuses — but we’ll be some example — and that will mean bending down and washing your wounds. Wounds that we don’t understand, wounds that keep festering, that don’t heal, that down right stink — wounds that can never make us turn away.

Because we are the Body of the Wounded Healer and we are the people who believe the impossible — that wounds can be openings to the beauty in us.

We’re the people who say: there’s no shame saying that your heart and head are broken because there’s a Doctor in the house. It’s the wisest and the bravest who cry for help when lost.

There’s no stigma in saying you’re sick because there’s a wounded Healer who uses nails to buy freedom and crosses to resurrect hope and medicine to make miracles.

There’s no guilt in mental illness because depression is a kind of cancer that attacks the mind. You don’t shame cancer, you treat cancer. You don’t treat those with hurting insides as less than. You get them the most treatment.

I wanted the brave to speak Truth and Love:

Shame is a bully and Grace is a shield. You are safe here.

To write it on walls and arms and wounds:

No Shame.
No Fear.
No Hiding.
Always safe for the suffering here.

You can be different and you can struggle and you can wrestle and you can hurt and we will be here. Because a fallen world keeps falling apart and even though we the Body can’t make things turn out — we can turn up. Just keep turning up, showing up, looking up.

Mama came Home and I found grace, a thousand, endless graces, and it is by grace we are saved, grace adopting us into a family that no illness can ever remove us from.

Grace, that miracle which even the darkest can’t consume, but only consumes you.

Light pried through the dark. A shaft came through a window like a lifeline. And the birds sang and we heard them.

Praying earnestly for hurting families this weekend (@CNN)
The Story of my own journey back
Share here the one thing you wish people knew about mental health?
{bird photo credit}

Giving thanks in everything because we fiercely believe that Christ can redeem anything.

Join us? And happily change everything by keeping your own crazy list of One Thousand Gifts? Dare you to Joy! Take the dare to Fully Live!
1. Grab this month’s Free JOY DARE Calendar with 3 daily prompts to go on a scavenger hunt for God’ gifts … {or write down any gifts you choose. Use the free app.} 2. Count 3 gifts a day and you have over #1000gifts in 2013. Jot them down in the new numbered One Thousand Gifts devotional journal — The Farmer’s writing in his with a red pen and daily – the numbers in the journal already there! Motivating… 3. Share your gifts everyday in our beautiful Facebook community to enter everyday for the monthly $100 Amazon draw (or link to your blog post with your list of gifts). 4. Count #1000gifts in 2013 and enter to win a Nikon DSLR camera with lens. Slow Down. Savor Life. Give thanks. Believing something is one thing. But the Best only comes when you decide to Be Living it. Please, jump in, make your life about giving thanks to God! — Just add the direct URL to your specific 1000 gift list post… and if you join us, we humbly ask that you please help us find each other in our refrain of thanks by sharing the community’s graphic within your post.

Give thanks to the Lord! His Love Endures Forever!

button code here


Monday, April 8, 2013

The Open Door

I believe that God is ready to present you with new opportunities. He wants to open new doors before you. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the world around you, God’s Word remains true!
Remember, in an instant, God can bring the right people into your life, the right opportunities, and the right resources to take you to a whole new level. Today, choose to keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Begin to thank Him for the opportunities that are just ahead for you. Shut the door on fear and let God lead you by His peace through the door of opportunity He has prepared for you!

From Spiritual Inspiration on Tumblr

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Confident Woman

8 Traits of a Confident Woman
1. She’s had enough. When you’ve had enough of living for someone else, pleasing others, craving others’ approval or of those who bind your life with theirs; when you’ve had enough of the fear of confronting someone or are ready to stand up for yourself, you’re walking in your God-given confidence. When you are ready to step out of these types of situations and follow God fully, you are a confident woman.
2. She doesn’t concentrate on her weaknesses but instead she develops and maximizes her strengths. She discovers her strengths and asks God to help her
3. She believes in her values. She can confidently say about herself the same things that God says about her. She sees herself as God sees her no matter what anyone has ever said to her or about her. She is grounded in her identity in Christ.
4. She allows God to work through her flaws. We all have flaws. Not one of us is perfect. She loves herself in a balanced and healthy way and never despises or rejects herself.

5. She takes care of herself. This means to take care of yourself first and foremost before taking care of others. This is not selfish. What does the airline hostess say about the oxygen mask? “In the event of an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first then assist someone else.”
6. She knows her strengths. Take inventory of yourself and think about what you are good at, perhaps something you have not noticed. Make a list of what you are good at. Whatever you are good at is the area God has gifted you. This is what you must serve to the world.
7. She gets out of the boat and doesn’t sink. A confident woman gets out of her past and all that’s associated with it. She doesn’t murmur and complain about missing out on life because of her past. She doesn’t hide her past and she knows she will never be free if she keeps running away from her past. She is no longer stuck in her past and her past is no longer stuck in her.

8. She never stops trying. A confident woman recovers from setbacks. She is in charge of her destiny and keeps trying different things until she discovers what she is here on this earth to do. She will experience some set-backs, some disappointments but she never stops trying until she discovers her place. This place will feel right to her.
And the greatest thing about confidence is when it is rooted in God, we can act in boldness and assurance in Him. So we can say confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do and not worrying over what you cannot do. A confident woman is opened to learning because she knows her confidence allows her to walk through life’s doorways eager to discover what waits on the other side. She knows that every new unknown is a chance to learn more about herself so she can unleash her abilities. She engages in positive self-talk.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Because little girls can be mischievous, too and houses echo with family joys even in silent night, because the days have been full with holidays and 57 years of grace and four years of joy ( and some pain, too-- after all both joy and pain are arteries of the heart of God--) and Christmas trees and warm snugly beds and the house is full. For these and oh, so many more blessings and gifts, I give thanks and praise to the LORD!